The ever elusive Continuous Planning
What does the term Continuous Planning even mean? Or is it dual track planning/agile or is it parallel tracks?
Trying a different format for this newsletter.
Whatever you call it, I’m talking about all the work that is continuously happening in parallel in the product development lifecycle.
Most people have a hard time accomplishing a good balance.
Teams feel pressured to NOT use waterfall
But as a baseline, we feel comfortable working waterfall
A big fallacy around Agile is that it will do away with sequential work
Work still needs to happen sequentially
Teams need to get comfortable with more than just 2 parallel tracks
All work goes through 4 stages
Idea - Just a concept yet to be explored
Discovery - When we build up context and knowledge around the idea
Build - What has been matured, validated and prioritised as the right thing(s) to work on
Post launch - Gone live and we need to monitor and adapt if needed
This doesn’t even touch on the details of the process
We often get lost between Discovery and Build, and forget Post Launch
We take on more than we can do because we focus mostly on the Build phase
We will potentially have something on all 4 phases at the same time throughout the product management process
Being Agile doesn’t mean jumping between all 4 constantly
It’s a muscle that needs to be developed. Potentially the most important muscle
If planning is done, only on a certain date, it won’t work
When we are defining what to work on in the next quarter or sprint, it should be fully defined already. We should just need to prioritise.
Often teams wait until the time to plan to mature many of the ideas
This also happens because we’ve bogged down with many other tasks
Should we be doing all those other tasks?
What would happen if we didn’t do them? Would someone else step up? Would we discover it wasn’t important? Maybe
This issues was literally a brain dump of a train of thoughts and I’d be happy to dig into specific points on the topic if you, the reader feel it’s worthwhile. (Let me know)